Lost samples

Petri Kanninen pkannine at cc.hut.fi
Mon Sep 8 13:45:45 CEST 2003

>Long time ago someone posted here images from the Egmont-manga version of
>some Barks' stories! Someone has still this samples?
>I'd like to see it again! So, if somenone have it...please, send to my
>e-mail! :-)

I posted (two years ago!) few pictures of the manga version of Barks'
story where DD fools U$ to believe that fish are new currency. And being
lazy, I haven't still removed them from the net. You can look at them at

Petri Kanninen (pkannine at cc.hut.fi)
Aku Ankan taskukirja -tietokanta: http://www.perunamaa.net/taskarit/

"AAUGH! It's a half-hour later than it was half an
hour ago! Run! Run!" -Calvin

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