SV: New Rosa in WDC&S

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Thu Sep 11 01:03:41 CEST 2003

> OK! But you must have failed to read the title of the story though (or have
> Gemstone really messed this up?).

Gemstone has not "messed this up", no. The title printed in WDCS is "The Three 
Caballeros Ride Again". (but hey, what's the big deal - everybody understood 
what story we're talking about, right?)

> Please don't make more confusion than
> necessary when it comes to the titles of Don Rosa's stories.

Uhm... I hate to say this, but... look who's talking? Sigvald, didn't you just 
a few weeks ago mention Italian characters by their Norwegian names because you 
thought that names sounded better? Then we're talking CHARACTERS, and sure - if 
one's a good guesser, one may understand that you're thinking of Battista when 
writing "James" and Trudy when saying "Petra" - but those are guesses. In this 
case... Well, thinking of how popular Don Rosa is, I don't think there's ANY 
doubt of what story Hoy was talking about here. So, Sigvald... I don't mind at 
all that you want people to write titles and character names etcetera 
correctly. But as long as you don't do that yourself, I find it a LITTLE 

What I _guess_ happened in this case is that Hoy didn't have his magazine next 
to his computer, and since he just wanted to say how great the story was, and 
everybody would understand what story it was anyway, he didn't bother to check 
it up. Frankly, I don't mind.

> This is a
> friendly advice to our friends at Gemstone too.

Speaking of which, a couple of questions to "our friends at Gemstone":

-- I noticed that a few stories in the July issue of US (or was it June?) did 
not have the same titles as in INDUCKS - and as I assume the titles in INDUCKS 
are the original titles from Egmont, I get the impression that these titles are 
CHANGED by Gemstone. Am I wrong, or is that the case? If so, why?

-- Another similar question: In Gemstone publications, Miss Typefast's name is 
changed to "Quackfaster" because that's her name in American. But when it was 
said a month or two ago that Horace Horsecollar and Clarabelle Cow lived in 
Duckburg, that was not changed to Mouseton (which I assume is their hometown in 
American). Why not?

(I haven't really been paying attention to DCML the last few weeks, so I'm 
sorry if any of this has been discussed earlier. With the amount of messages 
here nowadays I'm too lazy to check the archieves for that.)


Olaf the Blue

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