paintings and websites

Katie Sullivan vazali at
Fri Sep 12 03:11:36 CEST 2003

> From: "Daniel van Eijmeren" <dve at>
> Barks has often said that he'd rather would have drawn humans
> instead 
> of ducks. So, according to the point you seem to be making,
> most of 
> Barks's comic book work should also be put aside as
> "commissioned work".
> Well, is that really what you meant? :-)

I'm not sure if you meant that for Lars or me, but it certainly
wasn't why *I* meant!  ;)
It's a good point, though.  I like to think that Barks may have
started out preferring to draw humans instead of ducks, but the
ducks grew on him as years passed.

> From: "Daniel van Eijmeren" <dve at>

> > (My website is down right now...I don't know why.)  :(
> Cheer it up, then! :-)

LOL!  I wish I could!  It seems my webhost has disappeared
without warning.  Grr!  I've hired a different company now, but
it may be a few days before everything is up and running again. 
It'll still be at the same address, though.

Katie Sullivan

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