female duck fans

Theresa Wiegert theresaw at oso.chalmers.se
Fri Sep 12 09:36:36 CEST 2003

> BTW: Why are the so few female Duck fans out there?

Beats me. Both me and my mother are serious fans as is everyone else
(though male) in the family. But then again, there's a difference in
fanhood also - I'm not nearly as geeky (sorry for the expression, it's not
meant as an insult, I like geekyness, it adds personality) as most of the
people here. I have other geekqualities though, so I'm still ok, I hope...

But generally, perhaps geekyness is a male trait - coming to think of it,
not so many of my female friends are obsessed about a certain thing like
men often can be. I wonder why... (that is just a personal observation
though, and not enough for a statistic conclusion)

L. Schulte, about Fantasia 2000:
Nice film, with the pure genious of the flamingo with a yoyo (of the same
stuff as For the Birds, the pixarfilm shown before Monsters inc, also
totally magnifiecent). That one and Noas ark (?) (ship, boat, floating
zoo) starring Donald and Daisy were the abolute best ones, in my opinion.
Gerschwins NY-piece was magnificent, and a good break in style... while
the whales left me completely untouched... the differences in taste are
interesting. But (as Daniel mentions also), there wasn't really anything
groundbreaking about it, like the old one... Also, I failed to realize why
it is a good idea to reuse the Magician's apprentice-part...


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