Grandpa vs. Blackheart
Daniel J. Neyer
jerryblake2 at
Fri Sep 12 18:40:53 CEST 2003
>Barks used Grandpa Beagle (186-802) only ONCE, in "The Money >Well" (US
>The river race story (USGD 1) contains Blackheart Beagle.
>Melting these two characters into one character, is a Rosa creation.
Daniel van Eijmeren is right; nothing in FANTASTIC RIVER RACE ever says
that Blackheart Beagle is the grandfather of the "current" B Boys.
However, since Ratchet Gearloose is in the story and is identified as the
grandfather of Gyro, I've always felt it was a logical assumption (and I
guess Rosa did too) that Blackheart was the Beagle Boys' grandfather,
since Blackheart and Ratchet seem of the same "generation" so to speak.
But I guess there's no way to verify it--unless someone checks out the
archives of Beagle Boys Inc. In any case, does anyone know if Grandpa was
featured in Barks' original story line for the Dime story?
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