Slightly OT: TaleSpin episodes

Shad Z. shadz at
Tue Sep 23 09:58:53 CEST 2003

From: Katie Sullivan <vazali at>
> > From: "Madame Jennifer Inantaz" <madame82 at>
> > To Mr..Rosa:
> > Did you do the scripting for TaleSpin the animated series? (I
> > saw that in the article)
> Not to jump in before Don has a chance to answer (at least in my
> digest subscription), but I know a few details about that, since
> TaleSpin is one of my favorite shows ever.  ^_^
> The two episodes in question are:
> -- "It Came From Beneath the Sea Duck"
> -- "I Only Have Ice For You"
> Both of which feature Don Karnage, my favorite character on the
> show, and in my top five favorite Disney characters of all time,
> so I pay close attention to these things.  ^_^
> If you watch those episodes you'll notice a few Barks-like
> elements, including:
> -- The phrase of disgust "Gosh all fish hooks"
> -- The idea of hiding valuables in something common of the same
> color.  In "I Only Have Ice For You" Baloo hides rubies in
> strawberry jam.  Then, later in the episode, Don Karnage is
> convinced there are diamonds in an iceberg(!!) Baloo is
> delivering.  (There aren't, much to Karnage's chagrin.)
> Scrooge, of course, uses this trick in the Barks story about the
> corn in the gold and the nephew's trained rats thwarting the
> Beagle Boys.  (I'm terrible at remembering titles of Barks
> stories; my apologies.)
> -- Lots of hilarious puns and funny names, including the name of
> a wealthy Arab prince:  Neverhas bin Broke  (not sure of the
> spelling on that, but you get the idea)

One of my favorite "Rosa-like elements" in one of the episodes
(i don't remember which one) involves paying attention to simple
(but often overlooked) rules of physics.  Don Karnage's base of
operations/main aircraft is a huge helocopter that big enough
to capture and transport smaller aircraft.  In the Rosa-written
episode I'm remembering, the McGuffin that Karnage is after is a
very heavy little plane.  Every time he captures it, the helecopter
has to adjust engines to keep from crashing, and every time the plane
escapes, the helecopter has to adjust to keep from flying away
uncontrolably.  That may seem kind of obvious, but the plane keeps 
on getting captured and escaping, and the whole thing becomes a 
running joke that builds and builds...

Well, it seemd very "Rosa-esque" to me
Shad Z.                      ^Q^
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