Re: Arpine Luséne.

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Sat Sep 27 23:08:44 CEST 2003

> It's well known that Don Rosa is not the only Disney comics creator/artist
> who are a part of DCML. This time I have a friendly question for all of Don
> Rosa's colleagues here - well at least those who are doing Duck stories. Do
> any of you have any plans about involving Arpiné Lusene (a.k.a. The black
> knight) in any of your future stories?

Actually, I once included him in a script - but Byron Erickson had me remove me 
again. And he was right as always. I used Lusene in a way that didn't give the 
character the value he deserved - a short pop-in role, where he was used for a 
short plot in a single page and arrested in the end of that same page. Lusene's 
not made for such small roles - he should be a major villain. And stories where 
Lusene is the major threat, should really be written by Don Rosa.

(for the record: In one of my upcoming stories, a fat German lady appears. 
She's supposed to be Lusene. :-)

For now, of course. I hope to get a chance to use Lusene in the future - but 
not until the character is fully developed. And _if_ I come up with a story 
where such a character is needed.

But naturally, I'm interested in using "post-Barks" characters! That's the only 
way they can live on, isn't it? I've already started working on the idea to 
what I hope will turn out to be a pretty good Fethry-story, and I *hope* I will 
be able to write stories with Sonny Seagull and Princess Oona in the next 
couple of years. And naturally, when I get used to him, nothing would be more 
obvious than including Rumpus in stories (after all, he's Scrooge's BROTHER). 
But that's far into the future.

As for Arpin Lusene, I think the smartest thing to do is to not use him before
1) Don Rosa has fully developed the character
2) one manages to write a story that gives the character what he deserves

.and at least in MY case, that won't happen for at least a couple of years. 
So I DON'T have any plans using Arpin Lusene - but I like the thought.

Olaf the Blue

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