DCML Digest Issue 54
Don Rosa
donrosa at iglou.com
Sun Sep 28 17:10:53 CEST 2003
> From: "KUR" <ggk at wp.pl>
> Subject: Flintheart Glomgold meet's J.Rockerduck
> Did sombody remember a story in with actualy Glomgold meet face to face
> Jhon. Rockerduck?
I am not familiar with the bajillions of European Duck stories that have
been produced, but this wouldn't be very likely, eh? I do know that Glomgold
is a character in the American/N.European comic book Duck Universe, while
Rockerduck is a character in the Italian comic pocketbook/digest Duck
Universe. When it became necessary to start creating new Duck stories when
Western's production dropped off, the Italians picked Rockerduck while the
Scandinavians picked Glomgold to develop into a main character as $crooge's
#1 rival. There's no reason to have them both, is there? I've always thought
it might not have even been a good idea to use Rockerduck in chapter 3 of my
"Lo$" as I'm working within the comic book Universe, but I knew I'd never
use him again, and I still wanted to pay homage to a famous character
developed by my countrymen.
> From: Olaf Solstrand <olaf at andebyonline.com>
> Subject: Re: Arpine Lus?ne.
> Actually, I once included him in a script - but Byron Erickson
> had me remove me
> again. And he was right as always. I used Lusene in a way that
> didn't give the
> character the value he deserved - a short pop-in role, where he
> was used for a
> short plot in a single page and arrested in the end of that same
> page. Lusene's
> not made for such small roles - he should be a major villain.
That might be so if Byron says so, but I think your main "mistake" was to
have Lusene being *arrested*. Arpin Lusene has never been arrested and never
will. He is not even proven to be the Black Knight since the BK has never
been caught.
> From: kimba1962 at comcast.net
> Subject: DuckTales
> Don Rosa's comments...I don't happen to agree with his
> specific interpretation of "DT" as an "unauthorized and fanciful"
> take on the Barks world,
Go back and reread -- that's not what I wrote. I said that I considered
doing a comic book story where "DuckTales" existed in the comics as an
"unauthorized and fanciful version of $crooge McDuck's life" which he
objected to... I did not write that it was an "unauthorized take on the
Barks world" by Disney. How could they do an unauthorized version of
something they completely own?
> From: "Jonathan H. Gray" <jongraywb at hotmail.com>
> Subject: Re: DuckTales
> re: Launchpad McQuack: Maybe if
> Mr. Rosa does do his DT story he could introduce him that way: As a
> certified pilot playing an actors role for extra money and...
I must not be typing firmly enough. I never said I would do a "DuckTales"
story, and I never will. I said I'd considered doing a story where
"DuckTales" was a fictitious TV series in Duckburg... had I done so, this
Launchpad would have been a TV character played by Dash Riprock or somebody
in heavy face and body makeup.
But like I said, the only time to do that story was about 1989. Too late
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