Barks reprints in Germany H.W.Fluks at
Thu Apr 1 10:38:03 CEST 2004

Frank Bubacz wrote:

> I probably wanted to say that I personally can't get enough 
> of Barks...  :-)

I wish we had a Barks Library like the German one, here in Holland.
The Dutch "Barks Library" was one of the first in the world (starting in 1975, and getting close to completion within a few years), but some stories in there were re-inked or changed, or badly coloured.

> Besides, there's still some material I'd love to see in album / graphic 
> novel form:

> - Powerplay on Killmotor Hill (which has yet to be published 
> anywhere, I think)

What is that? I never heard of it.

> - Race for the Golden Apples (if it ever sees the light of day)

Geoffrey Blum wrote a 14-page story for Egmont, using the basic ideas that Barks described in various letters and conversations. Daan Jippes has drawn it. That story will pop up in Egmontland sooner or later.


Harry Fluks  --  TNO Telecom  --  Delft  --   Nederland
h.w.fluks at   --
"Wie ben ik? Wat doe ik hier? Waar is mijn Roddelflop?"

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