No Offense!

Dyer, Sonia sonia.dyer at
Wed Apr 7 01:40:02 CEST 2004

Daniel van E wrote:
>Is there EVER *someone* here who ever sees how much *I* get offended?
>I'm just trying to discuss Disney comics and artists!
>What is so wrong about that???
>--- Daniël (has feelings, too!)

Hello Daniel-
	I don't think any one on this ML has been trying to intentionally hurt your feelings, although it may not feel that way to you.  But every community has boundaries, and people have been trying to explain when they believe a boundary has been crossed.  

	Everyone makes mistakes, including me.  Try to look on it as an educational opportunity - if they didn't think you were smart enough to learn from your mistakes, they wouldn't waste their time trying to explain it to you.  Cheer up, learn, and grow better every day!


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