Donald's uncle Ludwig

Mickey mickey at
Wed Apr 7 08:21:27 CEST 2004


> Scrooge has been used in comics since 1947 -- and suddenly, in 2004, his
sister Hortense (never before seen in
> current continuity) is shown to be alive and well. Why haven't we seen her
in earlier stories?

Where has it been shown? She was alive much before Scrooge's 1st apparition.
And it's obvious that Donald must have had a mother, even if she was never

>Most Barks stories fit in; Ludwig's remark from "Kids is Kids" about being
a bachelor does not.

Why not? It's clear that now both Ludwig and Matilda are married no more.
The former always appearead as
a bachelor, the latter has just appeared as a lone woman.
This doesn't throw away the idea of they to be married. They could have
divorced long ago...
But this is classical fanta-storying!

> The question is, of course, what you the reader prefer

I do prefer a "some intermediate phase", where, with the right (implicit)
Don's vision could apply in the other stories.
After all, he's the one who told us who are the parents of Donald or HDL.
Why shouldn't we
accept the only one opinion about this matter?

> Regard Don's ideas as exclusive to his stories alone.

Everyone can regard at those as he wants.
The important thing is that you don't force others to think like you...


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