Pages of the Paperolimpiadi

Eta Beta psersimmon at
Fri Apr 9 13:14:51 CEST 2004


>So... Does anyone have a clue where this extra page comes from?

You got me curious but the answer is no, not the slightest idea.
I can only confirm the inducks data, the story in its original,
serialized form is indeed 249 pages long, with page count for
every issue perfectly matching as well.

I also checked an Italian pocketbook reprint (OLI 1996), but that's
actually shortened to 245 since a 4-page sequence with Fethry and
Sgrizzo slapstick has been cut from the first part.

Now, you seem quite sure about your page count... no "hidden"
page on olympic games, or maybe an ad, between the actual story
pages... ?

If that's the case, we need to find out WHAT the additional page
is... please check your reprint parts against the inducks data,
which I'm adding here just in case...

I TL 1705-A  35
I TL 1706-B  28
I TL 1707-C  31
I TL 1708-A  34
I TL 1709-C  30
I TL 1710-A  29
I TL 1711-A  38
I TL 1712-B  24

One of your parts should obviously be one page longer...

Let me know how it works.


Eta Beta

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