Howling helpers / Bible (Re: Daniel's Quiz)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Tue Apr 13 15:10:55 CEST 2004

LARRY GIVER, 12-04-2004:

>> "GROAN! Gasp! Alas! Alas! Oh, woe! Alas!"
>> (Which Barks story?) :-)

> Scrooge also hired Donald to worry about the Beagle Boys in "All at 
> Sea (US31)".  This exact quote is from Page 9, Panel 3.

Correct! The other story is the spring gun canon story (WDC 134).

Could the hiring of howling people be a reference to real life? For 
example, the time of the Bible's Old Testimony, where people were 
hired to cry when someone died? 

In my dictioniary I only see a female reference ("klaagvrouw"). 
It's translated as "hired mourner, mute".

I'm curious for comments.

--- Daniël

"This is quite a mystery! Let's sit down with some pop and sandwiches 
and figure it out!"

(Which Barks story?) :-)

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