Hi-Tech Havoc (Jippes story)

H.W.Fluks@telecom.tno.nl H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
Fri Apr 16 18:12:38 CEST 2004

I got a message from Laurens Buijs (l.j.buijs at umail.leidenuniv.nl). He reports that the story "Hi-Tech Havoc" was written by his father, Thijs Buijs (and not by Daan Jippes, as we previously thought).

He is interested in getting copies of that particular story from all countries where it was printed.

According to Inducks (http://coa.inducks.org/coa/c1/story.php/0/H+78dd01b), the story was printed in Germany, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and the US.

Any help is welcome!


Harry Fluks  --  TNO Telecom  --  Delft  --   Nederland
h.w.fluks at telecom.tno.nl   --   http://dd50.inducks.org
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