DCML Digest Issue 15

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Mon Dec 20 14:46:49 CET 2004

From: "Olaf Solstrand" <olaf.solstrand at andebyonline.com>
Subject: Magica Wikipedia article
>>>>>"According to Barks and his successors, Magica was born in 1908 on the
slopes of the Vesuvius, next to Naples, Italy and used to live there.  
According to unofficial and unpublished statements of Don Rosa, Magica De
Spell died in 2004 in Duckburg, Calisota, a few months short of her 96th
I think it looks like a bluff, so I changed it back to what it was before
someone added this information (simply that according to Barks and his
successors, Magica _lives_ on the slopes of the Vesuvius, next to Naples,
Italy). Should _I_ be the one who's wrong here, if these years 1908 and
2004 really exist on some pieces of paper I never knew of, please let me
know that so that I don't go around removing the truth from online
>>>>>(I assume the person best suited to answer this is Don Rosa - 

All I can tell you is that *I* never stated any such "facts" either in a
story, in my notes, or even in any private correspondence. I'd need to see
what "unpublished statement", if any, that I made from which someone could
have misconstrued so many odd facts. That would be a bit too old for Magica
(for her to appear still young in my 1950's stories) unless she was somehow
supernatural, and I maintain that she has no inherent supernatural
qualities. And there's no reason for her to be spending her old age in
Calisota in 2004. But I'm only one of the many "successors" to Barks and I
have never read those thousands and thousands of European Duck stories. So
there's no telling what some other writer has decided.

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