Height of Mickey,Donald,Goofy

Thomas Pryds Lauritsen thomas at duckburg.dk
Sun Feb 1 01:40:07 CET 2004

This message from Olaf seems to be meant for DCML:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Height of Mickey,Donald,Goofy
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 17:03:40 +0100
From: Olaf Solstrand <olaf at andebyonline.com>
To: Thomas Pryds Lauritsen <thomas at duckburg.dk>
References: <20040131000302.93110.qmail at web12008.mail.yahoo.com> 
<401BBF86.4090208 at duckburg.dk>

I remember that in an old Barks story (too bad I can't remember which 
one), Magica de Spell transformed herself into looking like Scrooge. To 
do that, she had to first foof him and then measure him to find out how 
high he was (to make the transformation perfect). In the Norwegian 
translation, she found out that Scrooge was 99 centimetres high.

Olaf Solstrand

Telefon: 957 08 325
E-post: olaf at andebyonline.com
Heimeside: http://www.andebyonline.com/olaf/

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