Cuthbert and Matilda

M.J. Prior M.J.Prior at
Sun Feb 1 14:25:40 CET 2004


> I can't find the story where [Cuthbert] appears.

It's "Donald learns the ropes". Cuthbert lives on a cattle 
ranch at least ten miles from Duckburg and I don't get the 
impression that Donald hasn't met him before.

Anders Christian Sivebæk:

> But all in all, i just wanted to point out what you also
> say - that Barks gave her the name - that she wasn't made
> up by Don - I just wanted to be sure that was known.

That's true. Carl Barks gave $crooge two sisters *and* he 
named them Matilda and Hortense. But when Lars Jensen 
referred to Matilda as "Don's character", he was talking 
about how she looks - and that's entirely Don's design.

> Barks gave Matilda some position - in one of his trees, if
> I'm not mistaken, he made her be Gladstone's adoptive 
> mother - is that not so?

That's correct. Gladstone was born to Luke the Goose and 
Daphne Duck, who both died from overeating at a free lunch 
picknick. Gladstone was then adopted by Matilda McDuck and 
Goosetave Gander. Matilda's only function in Barks' tree 
was to provide a solution to how Gladstone could be 
related to both Grandma and $crooge.


Michiel Prior.

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