Sympathies to the Lustig Family

Eric Chun ericchun at
Wed Feb 11 00:26:50 CET 2004

Comic Buyer's Guide #1578 February 13, 2004

10-year-old Laura Lustig dies

Laura Lustig, 10-year-old daughter of CBG contributor and Last Kiss
creator John Lustig, died Jan. 17 at Children's Hospital in Seattle
from acute encephomyelitis that was exacerbated by a weakened immune
system.  "Few people realized how truly fragile her health was all
these years," Lustig wrote.  "Every three weeks for the last six
years, she'd been getting transfusions of gammaglobulin (a blood pro-
duct).  In the end, these boosts to her immune system simply weren't

"Although she was a special-needs child and had limited speech and
fine motor control, Laura rarely seemed truly limited.  She communi-
cated through smiles, gestures, and pure love.  She was so wonder-
fully happy that everyone around her had no choice but to be happy
with her.  Her greatest joy was people.  And the smile that lit her
face warmed the hearts of friends, family, and total strangers."

A Memorial Mass for Laura was held Jan. 21 at Assumption Church in
Seattle, Wash.  In memory of Laura, the family requested that con-
tributions be made in her name to either Wedgwood Elementary School,
2720 N.E. 85th St., Seattle, WA 98115, or to Boyer Children's Clin-
ic, 1850 Boyer E., Seattle, WA 98112.

"I've had many people ask us if there is anything they can do for
us," Lustig added.  "I can only think of one thing: hug the people
you love.  Tell them that you love them.  And do it as often as you
can -- because you never know what tomorrow may bring."

CBG extends its sympathies to the Lustig family.  Last Kiss will re-
turn after a brief hiatus.

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