DCML Issue 29

KUR ggk at wp.pl
Sat Feb 21 12:27:58 CET 2004

> My opinion is that it's a very interesting and very mellowdramatic and
> dull and very unfunny story.

After all thous funy story's one unfunny will be a interesting change.

> ("chach" = "change"?)

Yes. Sorry for error.

> Sorry to disappoint you -- I originally planned to
> have both Matilda *and Hortense* in the story, Hortense being the bitter
> cranky personality with Matilda being the sentimental and gentle
> personality. But I was told that I could not use Hortense. So I had to
> Matilda Hortense's bitter personality in most of the story since that's
> personality that made the sparks fly and the story progress.

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY? WHY? :-)

But seriesly maby Cranky Matilda won't be sow bad... I think the best thing
to do rith now is whait to see dis story and thene I geve then my personal
opinion did she change for better...

> Also, apparently you should not look for a story titled "A Letter from
> Home". The publishers seem to have felt that was a dull title, and gave
> story a title like "The Search for the Knights Templar Treasure"... which
> seems dull and too blunt to my ears... but then I wasn't crazy about the
> title "A Letter from Home" either.

What they didn't like in "Letter from home" or "The old castle other secret"
? :-(


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