Mickey Mouse Magazine variation?

SRoweCanoe@aol.com SRoweCanoe at aol.com
Sun Feb 29 13:18:47 CET 2004

In a message dated 2/29/2004 6:20:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
eega at supereva.it writes:
>>looks like a distributor code... but i wont swear to it.....

>I think Hans refers to the absence of the little Mickey's head
>above the title in the first sample...

>Can't help there, though.>>

right, and i stated above, I believe that the appearance and abscence of the 
little Mickey head is  most likely a distributor code of some type.   
 but to explain why, i think this might be so, this is based on  
 1) the size and placement of the head is. this is where traditionaly 
distributor codes go
  2) there can be lots of variations in a single print run with the code due 
to regional variations - Playboy with it's stars being the most famous 
(although i should point out, the ads are possibly variant per distribution region 
with Playboy).  Current  Direct Market comics have a different distribution 
emblem (and now have different UPC code too).

Possibly one of the codes was for distribution to chain stores (Woolworth;s 
etc), and the other to newstands/  the code symbol helps (helped) the secondary 
local  distributor to correctly pull covers to the right main distributor for 

steven rowe

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