Ducks only on DCML?

Dan Shane danshane at
Mon Jul 5 21:57:29 CEST 2004


> Nice to get
> confirmed that Disney comics is not only about the colours of money
> bills, sizes of one famous money bin, Uncle Scrooge only and which
> rotation pattern his enemy might take being undermined by a carpet.
> Luckily, the Universe is wider than this :-)


And it always has been.  I have noticed no dearth of comments about Mickey
Mouse stories on DCML, so I'm puzzled about your perspective on the Duck
topics.  Did you miss all the recent requests for Gottfredson and Murry
Mickeys in the past few weeks, as well as the discussions about the Mickey's
constant use of magic to resolve storylines?

I'm not a big Mouse fan, but I read these posts with interest and respect
for those who follow the adventures of Mickey and his pals.  I don't
begrudge them their space on DCML to analyze and hypothesize about the
rodent universe.  Having RIDDLE OF THE RED HAT made available for free has
given them new fodder for discussion.

Are you suggesting that DCML has been nothing but Ducks lately?  Your e-mail
server must have lost quite a few digests over the past few weeks.


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