DCML Digest, Vol 17, Issue 16
Eta Beta
psersimmon at eega.net
Fri Jul 16 13:12:22 CEST 2004
>Do you also know if the writer of "Paperino e la iella passerella" (Topolino
>2143) is identical to the movie director/actor/writer Mario Monicello?
That's him alright. Curious coincidence, Monicelli (note sp) is
the writer and director of those Brancaleone movies we've mentioned
a few days ago with Timo, as well as of one of the greatest masterpieces
in Italian cinema, "Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti" (aka "Big Deal on
Madonna Street").
[Italian Phantom Blot stories]
>Are these 'good' stories that you would recommend?
Some are, but none that specifically spring to mind as exceptionally good,
not to me right now, at least, and with the exception of Scarpa's "double
Mystery", of course.
>In the Martina/Scarpa story we
>see some new tricks from the Blot. The other side of his hood is white,
>so that he's hard to see in the snow, and he can also under certain
>circumstances turn himself invisible. Are these things also seen in some
>of the other stories?
Don't remember, but I don't think so.
>As in the Gottfredson-story, this story also shows
>us the Blot without his hood. How common is this in later Italian
Quite common. I think he's more often than not portraied "capeless",
actually, in Italian stories.
Eta Beta
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