The chronological Donald - DVD

Mats Rune Gullikstad marugu171 at
Sun Jul 18 14:15:13 CEST 2004

Hi! (Don't let your anger at me if this has been discussed before, I'm only 
a human :)

I've bought the "Chronological Donald" - DVD with movies in the period 
1934-1941 here in Norway. (I don't know if this DVD is just a nordic 
phenomenon or you can get it elsewhere) However, I wonder why they stopped 
in 1941? There are plenty of movies made after 1941, so why not make a 
four-disc DVD (or five or six, I don't know) instead of a two-disc DVD?
Well, I hope they are gonna make a part 2 with 1941++ movies.

mats gullikstad

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