DCML Digest Issue 31
Don Rosa
donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Jun 30 16:35:06 CEST 2004
> From: halvor.sandven at dnbnor.no
> Subject: SV: "Black Knight Glorps Again"
> I just loved the new Rosa-story, even if I've just read the first part
> Just one little detail bothered me a bit. It's the part where Scrooge
> pulls the rug so that the Knights falls. I may be mistaken, but to me it
> looks like he falls forward, but such a pull would result in a backwards
> fall.
I'm not sure why you see him as falling forward. Naturally, his feet being
pulled out from under him in the direction he's facing would cause him to
flip *backwards*, and that's what I show him doing. I needed for him to fall
front-first onto the floor for the action to work the way I needed it to, so
he's doing a 270 degree backflip to get him facing downwards. But how can
you tell which way he's flipping? Look at my careful (as always) detail in
the motion lines -- for example, note the extra lines below his boots which
represent blurred motion... that shows that his feet are moving in a
counter-clockwise direction. He's falling/spinning backwards.
By the way, a message also arrived with this Digest that allows me to
confirm something about which I've been asked to keep members updated: I
have now been officially invited (and have accepted) to be in Athens on
November 1 - 4, 2004, to help celebrate the 2000th issue of the Greek Disney
weekly, and also to sign copies of a new Rosa book they plan.
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