Donalds parents, story ideas

Martin S. Thoresen mindlink at
Tue Mar 9 13:07:55 CET 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geir Hasnes" <g-hasne at>
To: "Don Rosa" <donrosa at>; <dcml at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: Cars questions

> The only thing left is now to explain about Donald's parents.

I never really understood why that needs an explanation at all, I mean, Donald
is an adult. Adults usually don't have constant contact with their parents, especially
if they live somewhere distant.
We don't see Gyro's parents, Daisy's parents, Gladstone's parents, Mickey's parents,
Goofy's parents, Magica's parents, etc. Are we to assume that all these people are orphans?
If this really is the offical view, it seems a lot worse than any other assumptions.
If the editors had thought the same way when Barks introduced Scrooge, or Grandma Duck,
we would never have seen them.
There is simply nothing to explain, we simply haven't seen Donalds parents in a present
day story because there has been no need to show them yet. If the need for a story
with them rises, simply have them meet up with the main characters, mention something
about how we should meet more often and mention that they Do live far away.
But still....

> Of course, they were imprisoned by Brutopia when on a diplomatic mission in the early 30s 
> and reported missing, expectantly dead. Donald's mother wanted to get away from Duckburg 
> for some time and placed Donald and his twin sister with Grandma.
> Then a report comes out that they might be alive and still in concentrating camps in the Brutopian inland.
> It takes the combined effort of Donald with the help of Gladstone's luck, Scrooge's wealth, Gyro's inventions,
> the nephews' knowledge, and even the enlisted help of the Beagle Boys who are on a mission to free 
> their brothers in the same country, to set Donald's parents free. What a story it would be!

....I really like this story idea! It's dramatic, has action and a chance to team up these characters in
a organised rescue mission. I wonder if Egmont would allow concentration camps though, maybe just
make it a prison. If Don or someone else doesn't use this idea, or come up with another idea
for this "reunion", could I use it? I have plans to start writing duckstories in the future, if time allows
it. Probably won't happen for a long while though, and they might not be accepted either, but I've
got so many ideas so it would be nice to try sometime. (Probably shouldn't choose this kind of story
for a debut though, might be a bit too ambious.)

- Martin S. Thoresen

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