Story Ideas

L. Schulte lschulte at
Tue Mar 9 18:40:49 CET 2004

I wonder if the detailed suggestions about stories do not actually deter 
the artist from using the ideas offered.  Would the reaction not be similar 
to what I have heard about professional comedians or clowns?   They often 
"freeze" when somebody comes up to them and says: "Say something 
funny!"  Instead, the person will often get a frown and a cold shoulder.
To be sure, this would depend on the artist.  Perhaps the artist would be 
happy for the idea/outline, but I wonder if these detailed suggestions are 
often rejected because they come from outside the artist, rather than from 
his/her own inspiration.
I recall the "Kalevala" story by Mr. Rosa came about because many Finns 
wanted it included somehow in a Duck story.  But I do not know how many 
details came from outside sources.

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