Center of the Earth

Theresa Wiegert theresaw at
Fri Mar 19 17:11:17 CET 2004

sonia.dyer at

> Regarding stories to the Center of the addition to resolving
> questions about heat and air pressure, I've always wondered if, as you
> go deeper towards the core, would the strength of gravity on a person
> become smaller or larger, or stay the same?

Probably loads of people have answered already, if that's the case, just
disregard from the following...
The further down you dig yourself, the smaller the earth-'ball' that
creates a gravity on you gets. THe mass that is above you, a 'shell' of
earth, wouldn't affect you.
So the downwards pull of gravity gets less and less, until in the middle
you'd be weightless.

     _   -----------------------------------------------------------
    ('>  Theresa Wiegert, room 522      wiegert at
    / )  Dept. of Physics and Astronomy      mobile: +1-204-292-9775
   / /   University of Manitoba                home: +1-204-478-5019
  //"    Winnipeg, Manitoba
 /       R3T 2N2 Canada      

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