
Lars Jensen lpj at
Sat Mar 20 20:08:08 CET 2004

Olaf Solstrand wrote:

> > > Unless... Did Mae-Wang have any blue powder left at the end of the
> > story?
> She didn't, no. Not according to Kim.

Argh! Well, there went that idea...

> So even if Kim was wrong about this and she HAD powder left, she would
> never offer to give it away for a new camera anyway... But I'm sure it
> was a great story idea, Lars. :-)

Well, I haven't gotten beyond a vague opening, so who knows how good
it'll become?! It *will* be scary, though -- I hope. Anyway, I've come
up with two different ways of getting around this particular problem --
and they may even turn out to be one! The only problem is, due to the
solution(s), it will probably take several years before I can get the
story done. (Assuming it *gets* done, of course.)

Thanks to all for your help, especially a certain somebody, who emailed
me privately with a suggestion.


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