Jonathan H. Gray jongraywb at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 1 10:20:42 CEST 2004

>From: "Lars Jensen" <lpj at forfatter.dk>
>To: "Disney Comics Mailing List" <dcml at stp.ling.uu.se>
>Subject: PIA and BLONK
>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:57:27 +0200
>There's an Italian subseries where Donald and Fethry work as spies for a
>secret agency (PIA), which is headed by Scrooge. Some of these stories
>have been used in Denmark, and in the Danish translation the evil
>organization Don and Fethry go up against is named BLONK.
>Is it also BLONK in the Italian original? If so, is it the same BLONK
>which can be seen in 0.0. Duck stories? And if it is, why hasn't BLONK's
>appearances in PIA stories been indexed?
>Yes, I like writing the word BLONK.

That reminds me of a different question that I had, but roughly, about how 
many Donald/Fethry TNT stories are there?

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