DCML Digest, Vol 20, Issue 32

Donald D. Markstein ddmarkstein at cox.net
Sun Oct 31 22:27:57 CET 2004

 >> Don Markstein has apparently never read a single post of mine at all.

That's possible. I've read this list only sporadically for the past year 
or two (tho maybe I should do it more often now that Sigvald seems to 
have dried up and blown away). (I hope he's okay, but only in the sense 
of the "blessing for the Tsar" in "Fiddler on the Roof", i.e., "May God 
bless and keep the Tsar -- far away from us!)

As for Bucky Bug vs. Li'l Bad Wolf, I'm a big fan of both -- Bucky for 
the style of presentation (I got turned on to him over 20 years ago, 
reading 1940s WDC&S to a 5-year-old) and Li'l Bad for what I call his 
existential dilemma, which would bring on a plague of parent activists 
if it appeared in a 1950s horror comic, but which, as it is, somehow 
seems to have escaped their notice through the entire '50s and beyond. 
(I wrote him up here: http://www.toonopedia.com/lilbad.htm )

Quack, Don
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