Raptor165's Barks quote

Halsten Aastebol Halsten.Aastebol at elkraft.ntnu.no
Mon Sep 27 13:52:30 CEST 2004


Isn't this the story from WDC 61 called Thug Busters?


At 13:42 27.09.2004 +0200, Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:
>RAPTOR165 to me, 24-09-2004:
> >>> "Aw, Unca Donald's an old fuddy-duddy!"
> >>> Which Barks story?
> >> Can you give a hint?
> > Think "Fabulous Detective", but in different words.
>I don't get the hint. It sounds like a new riddle to me.
>Do you have another quote from the same story, as hint?
>--- Daniël

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