Dutch Weekly Gag

Dan Shane danshane at bellsouth.net
Sun Apr 3 13:55:05 CEST 2005

To All DCMLers:

It apparently escaped some of us (mostly those who don't read Dutch) that
the advertising of the Dutch Donald Duck Weekly going all-Rosa was an April
Fool's joke.  It would have been funny if it hadn't been immediately
followed by D van E in yet another of his multiple Rosa-bashing
personalities, this time pretending his name is 'Nils.'

Kai Saarto was wise enough to spot him, and Steven Rowe immediately became
suspicious.  Your instincts serve you well, Steven.

As usual, I recommend no further response to the malicious postings by TOD
(The Other Daniel), no matter who is claiming to be at the moment.

Don't feed the troll.

Dan Shane (The First Daniel on DCML)

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