Numerous questions and comments about Gemstone
mouse-ducks at
Thu Apr 21 00:01:01 CEST 2005
First, thank you, Dean, for the link you provided!
Thanks also to Derek for copying the list!
And naturally, thanks & congratulations to the Gemstone staff for all those
great books!
>>>> It looks like we *will* be seeing some work by Cavazzano soon
>>>> according to inducks. While the interview on
>>>> says that the upcoming World of the Dragon Lords will be by Ferioli, I
>>>> think this is a mistake and the story was done by Cavazzano. Can
>>>> anyone confirm this?
I posted the information on a French ducks board, and a German member kindly
corrected this, with a scan of the Ehapa edition:
i vigorously second your propositions, Dean:
- a Rosa Library
- a Van Horn library
- Cavazzano, Scarpa, and I'll add da Vita stories in DDA & MAA
And naturally, I'm still hoping for a Gottfredson Library and a Taliaferro
>>>> I am thrilled to hear the Gemstone is going to publish "Mickey and the
>>>> Gang" late this year! According to Amazon, the softcover version will
>>>> only cost $39.99. I really appreciate the fact of Gemstone making an
>>>> affordable softcover version for people who can not afford the $149
>>>> hardcover version.
Darn, I would gladly have purchased the hardcover, but $149?! not so sure.
>>>>Whatever the case, I am thrilled that Gemstone is going to be
>>>>publishing such a great collection of the Disney pages from
>>>>Good Housekeeping Magazine!
Could someone give more information on these, please?
>From what I've read in the Pulse interview and on, they seem to
consist in art and prose stories, based on unproduced cartoons. Is that
right, or have I misunderstood?
Is it illustrated text, or are there some strips / comics?
This doesn't lessen my interest, mind you, I'm just curious to know the
>>>>Finally, on an off topic point, I have to second what Cord Wiljes said
>>>> about the Little Lulu comics being reprinted by Dark Horse. I too had
>>>> never read Little Lulu stories, and they are just fantastic!
I have read a very few a long time ago, and not in English.
However, I did catch a few episodes of a cartoon series, and they were
great! Good, wholesome fun, with a lot of charm; very refreshing, like the
early Peanuts stories Fantagraphics is reprinting; simple little moments,
enjoyable little stories.
I'll have to look for these Little Lulu reprints.
They are produced by Dark Horse, aren't they?
How about thos hardcover sets by Bruce Cocrhan? I remember discussing them
on Cord's DCML Talk message board, but I mean: what is the
relation/difference between the hardcovers and the Dark Horse editions,
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