R: The italian Life of Scrooge

Paolo Castagno paolo at papersera.net
Sun Aug 14 00:13:11 CEST 2005

> Also, you write:
> > In 1928 [date of the reprint, not original], Scrooge
> becomes an
> > university student and meets Brigitta McBrigde. To
> free himself from
> > her grasp, he gifts her an expensive hat of balaboo.
> What's your source on this information? I like
> Brigitta MacBridge, but
> have always wondered how she and Scrooge first met.

It is reported on the story "Zio Paperone e l'ultimo balabu'"
(http://coa.inducks.org/story.php/x/I+TL++243-A/), when...


...in the last pages Brigitta shows up wearing a balabu' hat,
given her by Scrooge in 1898 (as reported in the original
version). Scrooge gave Brigitta that hat at the condition of not
to have her pestering around amnymore... but she didn't
maintained her promise!



  - Paolo


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