Sherlock Holmes?

Ole Damgaard post at
Wed Aug 31 23:09:16 CEST 2005

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:34 PM
Subject: Sherlock Holmes?

> I have now completed the foreword on Shakespeare in Disney comics (thanks 
> for all the help) and have started the next one, which will be about 
> Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. I have located the comics with 
> Basil The Mouse Detective and The Sleuth and I am now looking for more 
> obscure parodies, satires, references etc. If anyone can help me with 
> suggestions, I would be most grateful.
Fredrik Strömberg

Elementary, my dear Watson! :-)

Peter Kylling offers a list of some Barks detective stories at his website: . In some of them HD&L wears the 
characteristic Sherlock Holmes hats.
- And, off course we must not forget Shamrock obvious parody of 
Holmes, with the same hat and pipe, but not quite the same wit as Holmes...

PS: I'm curious: What are you writing forewords for?


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