Hall of Fame 2006 calendar?

*Elita * elita_leo at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 22 16:37:29 CET 2005

>I saw mention here about "Don Rosa calendar",
>with no definite information? Is there a 2006 DR
>calendar published in Finland?


2 dec came a e-mail from SMcDuck that said "try emailing: 
riku.perala at sanomamagazines.fi" about don rosa - calendars cause thats where 
he got the 2005 version.
so I did.


No, there won't be a Don Rosa calendar for the year 2006, and we don't have 
extra copies of the 2005 calendar either. Sorry!

For the Swedish versions you should turn to Serieförlaget in Malmö. I seem 
remember that Sweden did not publish the 2005 calendar, though. But you can
always try!

Best regards,

have been to busy/lazy to talk to serieförlaget but could be worth a try :)


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