re the non-Barks-Rosa-discussions

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Mon Feb 21 18:26:08 CET 2005

NILS LID HJORT, 17-02-2005:

> Please, let's keep DCML as indeed the DC Mail List, with doors & windows 
> kept wide open for everything DC-related, including, of course, all 
> discussions related to the long list of admirable Disney Comics artists 
> whose names do not start with the letters B or R.

Hey! What's wrong with discussing Daniël Branca and Marco Rota? :-)

I agree that DCML should be open for everyone. If people don't like some 
contributions, or the thought of wasting their beloved hard-disc with a 
few more kilobytes, they should be well aware that they're joining this 
mailing list for FREE. I welcome everyone to disagree with me, but I find 
some complaints VERY unthankful. My advice is: Don't complain about a few 
kilobytes. Just use the scroll-button, or the delete-button. Think of all 
the megabytes that you DO like.

Another point of criticism is that a lot of people complain about the lack 
of discussions about artists other than Barks and Rosa. But why don't they 
start a discussion themselves? I get the feeling that some people think 
that DCML is a television station, instead of an interactive forum. It's 
very easy to sit back, and to let others do the talking for you. But then, 
don't complain if people say something you don't like.

And if people REALLY want to unsubscribe, they should do so, instead of 
only warning that they're planning to do it. Or do they expect that people 
will beg them to stay, and that people will change the conditions just to 
please them? Who would want to be such a control freak?

--- Daniël

"Calm yourselves, good people! I'll meet you inside, one at a time!"
(Which Barks story?) :-)

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