"Duck Tales Z" - Must See for Scrooge and DuckTales Fans!!!!!!!!

KUR ggk at wp.pl
Wed Jun 29 15:34:55 CEST 2005


Cheak out this Link I got from Mateusz Lis :
It is a greait cartoon parody of "Duck Tales"!
Scrooge, Huey, Duey and Luey batle Vegeta (a Dragon Ball Charecter) who came 
to steal the Lucky Dime.
Magica, Lunchpad, Donald, Gyro and some other Disney Ducks makes a aperance 
as well.
It's just super funny! Some jokes are on "South Park" level but if you 
Scrooge fan you must this film!

There were olsow the more previues "parts" of this "Duck Tales" Parody seris 

http://www.funnypart.com/funny_flash/ducktales_2_residuck_evil.shtml  (A 
very good one! )
http://www.boxofmystery.com/cartoons/ducktales.html (this one is the "first" 
one but it isn't funny unles you like fart joke. Exept Lunchpad cameo on the 
end this one is just boring)
(Good one)


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