Witch-manga in Sweden

Petri Kanninen pkannine at cc.hut.fi
Wed Mar 2 22:26:09 CET 2005


This came up in one Finnish message board. There seems to have been a
reprint of the Japanese version W.I.T.C.H. in Sweden, at least for the
first tankouban as one member had seen it by a friend's house and made
some comparisons to the Italian version. This was all news to me and
immeaditely started googling for more info. Sadly I couldn't find any
mention of the said reprint or any possibility to order it. I was
wondering if any Swede (or anyone else) here would know something more
about it, like when it was published and by who. Or any way I could
still get it?

Petri Kanninen (pkannine at cc.hut.fi)
Taskaritietokanta http://www.perunamaa.net/taskarit/

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