Correspondence between Bomer and Don Rosa

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Fri Mar 11 20:34:06 CET 2005

KAI SAARTO, 11-03-2005:

> Other people's private messages should be no concern of yours. I don't 
> give a damn if someone says something about me in their PRIVATE emails. 
> Why should you? 

It's very VERY scary when a Disney artist complains about one of his 
readers, in private emails to other readers.

> You just want attention here, and behave like a child.

Speak for yourself, Kai.

> Besides, now that you miraciously got your hands to the original message 
> by the said Ingebor, why on earth wouldn't you get the replies to it as 
> well??

The person only sent me that Bomer-email. He told me about Rosa's replies, 
and that they contain my name. He read some excerpts to me. He is afraid 
that Don Rosa will commit suicide if they would get into my hands. He said 
he wants to protect Rosa for himself.

In those emails, Rosa (reportedly) told that the Dutch editors are stingy, 
and that people from The Netherlands are the worst people in the world, or 
something like that.

The correspondence is directed at me. So, may I please know what Rosa 
exactly is writing about me, in emails directed to me?

--- Daniël

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