Not-so-Ancient Mariner

timo ronkainen timoro at
Tue Mar 22 12:01:23 CET 2005

Hi all!

I'm looking for different translations for poem Donald is reciting for the 
ship cruise contest in Barks' story "Not-So-Ancient Mariner". I believe he's 
reciting these actual lines from Coleridge's poem:

>"God save thee, ancient Mariner! From the fiends, that plague thee thus!-- 
>Why look'st thou so?"--With my cross-bow I shot the ALBATROSS.

(I can't check it right away, since I don't have original English language 
version here right now)

Danish translation misses (I believe) that origin:

"Jeg føler skæbnen true, thi med min pil og bue, jeg skød en Albatros."

(I guess this IS NOT from the official danish translation of Coleridge's 
actual poem?)

Finnish translation follows that:
"Mua kohtalo uhkaa hirmuisin, sillä nuolen ammuin ilmoihin ja albatrossia
haavoitin." (Horrible faith threatens me, since I shot my arrow in the air, 
and wounded the albatross)

which is not original Finnish translation of the poem.

How is it in other languages?

Best Wishes

Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -

041 489 77 81--------------- -

timoro at
timoro2 at

eFax 1 214 481 33 30 ----- -

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