Fredrik Strömberg
fstromberg at
Sat May 28 23:28:21 CEST 2005
I am about to write a text about the use of Shakespeare in Disney comics and
I was wondering if you all could help me dig up some examples. I have used
InDucks to find some references, and have also been able to verify some of
them. Below is first a list of the ones I have been able to verify, followed
by a list of the ones that I haven't been able to lay my hands on.
If anyone could help me verify any of the ones from the second list, and
perhaps scan useful parts I would be most grateful. Also, if someone could
direct me to more comics which relates to Shakespeare that would be very
Ok, here goes:
Comics that I have secured copies of:
Barks, Carl: Donald Duck: Trick or Treat
Barks, Carl: Dramatic Donald
Barks, Carl: Knightly Rivals
Barks, Carl: The Queen of the Wild Dog Pack
Cimino, Rodolfo & Cavazzano, Giorgio: Ombretta e l'angolo dei Salici
Cosser, Albert & Jason, Neville & Gil-Bao, Antoni: Live and Let Live
McGreal, Pat & Vicar: A Midsummer Night's Duck
Renard, Gail & Katz, Joel & Torres Perez, Juan: The Understudy
Renard, Gail & Anderson, Tom & Tello-Team: A Fistful of Talent
Sarda, Bruno & Gatto, Luciano: Topolino e lo strano caso del Professor
Sutter, Jack & Cardona Blasi, José: Romeo and Juliet
Vicar & Mortimer, John & Cooke, Brian & Anderson, Tom: No Business Like Show
Wejp-Olsen, Werner & Kenner, Jim & Branca, Daniel: No Business Like Show
Comics that I suspect might contain Shakespeare material:
DC DS 1992 1 -cover- dressed as Shakespeare actor reading from book - -
F JM 99616 1 - - Claude Chebille - 5 maj 1999 - 4-stripp - - - (France - Le
Journal de Mickey 2446 (1999), Album du Journal de Mickey 184)
F JM 99999 8 - Mickey à travers les siècles - José Antonio Gonzalez - 5
januari 2000 - 4-stripp - - - (France - Le Journal de Mickey 2481, Album du
Journal de Mickey 186)
I TL 1961-A 33 - Brigitta e il sogno di una notte di mezz'estate - Gittan -
Sandro Del Conte - 27 juni 1993 - 3-strip - - - (Italy - Topolino (Libretto)
1961 (1993), Raccolta Topolino (Libretto) 124 Paperino Mese / Paperino 214
(1998), Disney Time 33)
S 75161 12 - Mickey Shakespeare - 7 december 1981 - 4-stripp - - -
(Germany_ Goofy 1981-12 Die Uraufführung (1981))
S 81110 8 - The Shakespeare Manuscript - Mickey and the Sleuth - Jaime Diaz
Studio - september 1983 - 4-stripp - SLeuth buys famous people's fake
clothes - - (Picsou Magazine 147, Albums Picsou Magazine A N, Almanacco
Topolino 321 (1983), Paperino Mese / Paperino 115 (1990), Raccolta Paperino
Mese / Paperino 7)
G Z 048 12 - Hamlet und Laertes - Zorro - Francisco Cueto - 9 mars 1981
H 76w04 6 - - Dick Matena - 17 december 1976 - - - - (Nederländerna: Donald
Duck 1976-51 (1976), De Kleine Boze Wolf 2 6 (1980))
IC CCD 2 1 - - Giovan Battista Carpi - 13 juli 1992 - - - - (Capolavori
Disney 2 (1992), Le Grandi Parodie Disney 20 (1994), Raccolta Le Grandi
Parodie Disney 7)
I TL 851-B 39 - Paperino Otello - Giorgio Bordini - 19 mars 1972 - - - -
(Lustiges Taschenbuch 47 Der Mohr von Venedig (1977), Mickey Parade
(ancienne série) 1251 Donald, Othello du XXème siècle ! (1976), Topolino
(Libretto) 851 Paperino Otello (1972), I Classici di Walt Disney prima serie
67 Paperino Otello (1976))
Janssens, Maarten; cover: Aku Ankka 1998-43)
B 840026b 9 - Penameu e Glorieta - Irineu Soares Rodrigues - oktober 1985 -
- (Italien Mega Almanacco / Mega 2000 / Mega 3000 409 Pennacchio e
Glorietta (1991), Raccolta Mega Almanacco / Mega 2000 / Mega 3000 12)
F JM 00642 1 - - Claude Chebille - 31 oktober 2000 - - - -
H 85063 10 - Waaieiland - Mau Heymans - 31 juli 1987 - - - -
IC DEN 62 1 - - Lara Molinari - mars 2001 - - - -
S 79199 10 - The Romeo Boys - Tony Strobl - april 1982 - - - -
YD 40-01-31 - - Al Taliaferro - 31 januari 1940 - - DFD 1940 -
HC DD1996-46 1 - - Maarten Janssens - 15 november 1996 - - - -
I PK 70-1 43 - Paperinik e il fango della discordia - Stål-Kalle - Blasco
Pisapia - 1 juli 1999 -
I TL 449-C 27 - Paperino e le famiglie rivali - Kalle Anka - Luciano Gatto -
5 juli 1964 - - - -
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