Gemstone's Donald Duck Halloween Ashcan comic book david.skoglund at
Thu Nov 3 20:57:10 CET 2005

This year I gave out comic books for Halloween. Gemstone put out a Donald Duck Halloween Ashcan issue. It was a 16 page mini sized issue that reprints a Carl Barks story from 1952 (Donald Duck #26). 
I saw them mentioned on this list when someone posted the Disney portion of Diamond’s previews. I emailed Gemstone through their website asking if they would be available directly from Gemstone. I never got a response and they were never offered for sale on Gemstone’s website. 
Gemstone made them available in bundles of 25. I ended up getting four bundles. I gave them out at work (the company sponsors a trick or treat afternoon for the children of employees) and at church (we had an open house in the church library on the Sunday before Halloween and had treats on hand). 
They seemed to be a big hit. I got lots of positive comments from kids and parents. I hope Gemstone does something similar next year.
If so, I think they need to promote the idea a lot more than they did this year. If I wasn’t subscribed to this list I never would have known about this comic. Gemstone should sell the bundles through the website. They should make the bundles available for purchase in early September at the latest so that they’ll get shipped in time for Halloween.
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