Donald Duck Ashcan Issue

Chuck Munson chuckm_1962 at
Sun Nov 6 08:20:51 CET 2005

Hi everyone,

My wife Becky and I also gave out this issue along
with the usual treats to our Trick-or-Treaters on
Halloween.  I was able to secure two packs from my
local comic shop, the friendly folks at Phoenix Comics
in Herndon (well deserved plug for them).

The reception was positive, but of course we may never
know the result.  One nice anecdote from Becky from
before I got home from work: one mother and her young
son almost passed us by as she explained to Becky that
her son had enough treats at this point.  Becky told
her that we were also giving out a Donald Duck comic
and would her son like one.  Evidently the Mom was
both surprised and pleased that we had something
besides candy!  Will any of this generate sales at the
comic shop or subscriptions for Gemstone?  Can't tell,
but it struck me as simply a phenomenal way for
readers to let other parents and their kids know that
Disney comics are out there, beyond the stated object
of this issue for the comic shops to give out at
Halloween. And we got NO negative responses, not one;
which kind of surprised the cynicism in me about the
state of current youth.

I suspect that, given the costs I hear are present in
putting an issue out that this may be a loss leader
for Gemstone.  But I would urge Gemstone to look at
making this an annual promotional effort.  I can only
imagine that there are a good number of people like
Becky and I, readers and subscribers who are willing
to become shameless Gemstone promoters in the one
event during the year where we not only have access to
a large number of potential readers, but also in a
venue where this type of distribution is entirely
appropriate.  I feel very energized about the
experience we had.  Reading this, Gemstone?

Thanks for letting me gush,
Chuck Munson

Herndon, Virginia, USA

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