AW: German Hall of Fame 3 ?

Cord Wiljes cord at
Wed Nov 9 10:58:33 CET 2005

Hi Timo:

> I found out that German Hall of Fame number 3 (which was 
> published already a year ago) contains something I have written.

So Ehapa/Egmont did not send you an author's copy? If you ask them they
will probably correct this oversight.

Here is a scan of your articles in "Hall of Fame: Roman Scarpa": (7 MB!)

The two articles you asked for are shorter annotations, probably taken
from longer articles.

BTW: The yellowing towards the spine is intentionally printed in the
book, not a result of bad scanning.

BTW2: Of course Scarpa made it into the list of Top100Comics some
friends and I created some years ago:

Best wishes

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