Sqidoo page & Daringly Different

David Gerstein ramapith at mail.dk
Wed Apr 26 04:56:03 CEST 2006

     Hi Elaine,

 > I was delighted to see that the upcoming WDCS 668 has "Daringly  
 > in it. The blurb calls it "much requested"; I know it has been much
 > requested by me, at any rate [...]

     Wak! As you, and all who read the issue will find out, its  
opening editorial includes a blooper... erroneously accrediting the  
requests for the story to another of our longtime lettercol pals,  
Penny Kenny. I'm afraid this error was my responsibility. I think I  
need some of Uncle Scrooge's memory pills.
     We'll correct the record in a later lettercol; no offense to  
Penny, who will hopefully enjoy "Daringly Different" herself, even if  
she didn't ask for it. (-:

     At least the rest of WDC&S is relatively error-free, and readers  
will find vintage Sunday strips starring Panchito and Bucky Bug (hi,  
Derek) along with new-to-America stories from Daan Jippes, Romano  
Scarpa, Dick Kinney, Tony Strobl, and Don Markstein among others.

     Sheepishly, David

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