Barks self references
Kristian Pedersen
ktpedersen at
Tue Aug 8 17:34:18 CEST 2006
Frank Bubacz wrote:
>>>>Just for the sake of completion, there's a fourth
example in "The Money
Champ": The Ducks are talking about their first
encounter with
Glomgold and remember unrolling lots of string (see
"The second richest
Duck"). But I guess that's about it with Barks self
references [...]
I didn't notice anybody mentioning this one yet:
Barks made two tenpagers about new year's resolutions.
In the second one, Donald and the kids keep their vows
in sealed envelopes after a discussion on how last
year they tried getting each other to break them. I
think the stories were published in WDC&S with a
one-year interval between them.
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