Mickey's inferno

David Gerstein ramapith at verizon.net
Mon Mar 13 20:00:45 CET 2006


> - Canto 13 is missing! Superstition? 8-)

     No... a letterer's error that we didn't catch!

> - All the verses are written on bright yellow captures.

     Uh, you mean "captions," right? (-:

> In the original, Dopey spoke some words. In the Gemstone version, this
> was "corrected" (Dopey can't speak)

     We made this alteration on Disney's behalf. It would have been a  
lot easier to leave Dopey speaking...

> - All in all, David must have a helluva job (pun intended) making  
> these
> verses rhyme - more or less. The result is beautiful!

     Thanks! But let's give credit where credit is due: an equal  
amount of effort was expended by Dwight Decker in developing the  
initial prose translation from Italian. The "Inferno" was a  
terrifically complicated story, and surely no easy job. Were it not  
for him, we'd never have this great end result.

     Best, David

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