Papernika! not another super hero!

Francesco Spreafico francesco.spreafico at
Wed Jan 17 12:45:43 CET 2007

Rich wrote:

> Paperinika (Super-Daisy) has existed since AT LEAST 1977 if not
> earlier, and Paperinik before that.  Super Goof and the Red Wasp also
> existed since that timeframe. So, Super-Hero versions of the Ducks,
> Mickey and Goofy are NOT a new idea.  Paperinika is more influenced
> by Batgirl and/or the Huntress, and maybe even Supergirl, than
> Catwoman, as far as I can tell.

I think she wasn't influenced by anyone at all, she was created in 1973 
to be just a one-shot (well, two-shot) counterpart for Paperinik, in a 
couple of spoof stories about feminism... it wasn't really about 

Then she was used again ten years later in Brasil as part of that 
Superhero team, if I remember correctly, but that was not the reason she 
was created for.

> I, personally hope we see THE WIZARDS OF MICKEY
> translated for the American audience sometime soon.

Aaaaah!! Why would anyone ever hope that? It's the hype! WoM is just an 
average (sometimes even bad) story that really has no need to be 
translated. There are *hundreds* of masterpieces that should be 
translated in English, not this!

What you DO want to see translated is the "Spada di ghiaccio" trilogy, 
by Massimo De Vita. THAT is a Masterpiece (actually THE Masterpiece) 
starring Mickey (and Goofy) and dealing with magic.


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