Shonen Jump

Stefan Persson spe at
Mon Jan 22 14:41:30 CET 2007

On 2007-01-22 20:49, Niels Houlberg Hansen wrote:
> Please forgive my ignorance, but for the last month or so a lot of dcml
> messages have referred to something called "Shonen Jump". I'm not
> familiar with this name/title/word. Could somebody explain to me what it
> is? (It sounds like some kind of Japanese square dance.)

Shōnen Jump is the name of two different Japanese comic magazines, published by
Shūeisha.  Shūkan Shōnen Jump, a.k.a. "Weekly Jump", is a weekly magazine of
telephone directory size (over 500 pages in black and white, with a smal number
of pages in colour at the beginning of each issue), and sold for 230 yen (about
10 DKK) per issue.  Gekkan Shōnen Jump, a.k.a. "Monthly Jump", is a monthly
magazine of the same kind, but with a slightly higher page count (twice as many
pages or so), and sold for 420 yen (about 20 DKK) per issue.  The printing
quality is terrible, with lots of white spots at areas that are supposed to be
black, and other problems.  The paper quality is far from as high quality as the
paper used by Western Publishing, and not even suitable as waste paper.  The few
pages that are printed in colour are of better quality, though.  The paper
colour differs from different parts of the issues, with the paper being red on
certain pages, blue on other pages, et cetera.  This can be quite annoying in my
opinion.  The name "Jump" is also used for several other comic magazines from

Neither of the magazines has anything to do with Disney comics.



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